Saturday, June 26, 2010

Goals and Accomplishments Blog Carnival

Welcome to the June 21, 2010 edition of the EtsyBloggers
Blog Carnival! This weeks topic is on goals and accomplishments! I got the idea for these topics because my sister just graduated (or I knew she would be when I picked the topic!) That's a big accomplishment and the other direction is looking to the future, what do you want to accomplish: goals!

Missie presents EtsyBloggers Carnival Post posted at Sykin's One Stop Etsy Shopping Guide.

Clare Dempsey presents Etsy Blogger's Blog Carnival: Goals posted at Cricutcraftyclare, saying, "I think I got this one in on time! Thanks for the opportunity to particpate!"

mickeyscreations presents Goal-Setting to Keep Myself on the Crafty Path posted at Living the Crafty Life.

Sarah Buckingham "Finding Charm" presents Finding Charm: EtsyBloggers: June 18 Blog Carnival posted at Finding Charm.

Liz Howell presents My Goals Short and Long term posted at Liz's Wares.

Sandy Simpson presents Dreams posted at Punky Jane.

Megan Smolich presents Handmade Jewelry from Etsy posted at Glue Gun Crafts.

gilliauna presents Kitty Cats, Puppies, Pet Lovers and Charity - A Rare Post by Leal posted at The Meandering Musings of a Consummate Shopper.

Jen presents Mama Gets To Be A Grownup Today! posted at Mama's Magic.

dizzydragonflies presents Knitting Nirvana posted at dizzydragonflies.

storybeader presents Etsybloggers Carnival - June 18, 2010 posted at Stroll Through Storyland.

Elizabeth presents I Can't Believe It's Happening! posted at Thoughts from an Evil Overlord.

theashgrove presents Blog Carnival: Goals posted at Notes from the Ash Grove.

Linda B presents Recent Accomplishments - Blog Carnival posted at Linda B's Blog.

Beth presents Summer goals posted at Sunshine Daydreamz.

Erika presents The Goal is in the Shoes posted at NICO* Designs.

BeadedTail presents Making Tails Wag One Bead At A Time! posted at beadedtail.

Linda Wheelock presents Learning to Roll with the Punches Life Deals Me posted at Spotted Cow Soaps.

cindy devine presents Setting Goals posted at Devine Designs Jewelry.

Tammy presents Short Term Goals posted at tamdoll's workspace.

Alicia Mae presents Goaallll posted at Crafts and Cooking.

Sandi Myers presents What are my goals? posted at The T-Shirt Lady.

Mary presents Blog Carnival Time! - Goals posted at Misobel: Handmade Hooligan with a Mystic Touch.

Edi presents Blog Carnival-My Goals posted at Memories for Life Scrapbooks, saying, "The date and topics are posted wrong here."

Patti presents Goals in small (and large) steps posted at peacoxcreations.

RainyDayArt presents Goals Blog Carnival posted at RainyDayArt.

GirlyGirlsCrafts presents Around the Bend posted at Crafty Horror.

Kathleen presents Thursday's Thoughts - selling what you create! posted at tapestry316, saying, "What goals do I have...!
Wow - my security code says "working tapestry"!"

Anitra Cameron presents GOOOAAL!! One step at a time... posted at Coffee Pot People.

Jan Thompson presents Etsy Bloggers, my first deadline was missed posted at The Journey Continues, saying, "first one, late but done"

Deirdre presents EtsyBlooger Team's SOTM: Handmade by Sandi posted at Blackbird's Learning To Fly.

Misobel presents Blog Carnival Time!- Goals posted at Misobel.

Ebogie presents I can't believe its happening posted at Thoughts From An Evil Overlord.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Treasury Time

I was featured in this lovely purple treasury and wanted to share it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Goals Blog Carnival

I'm hosting this carnival and here I leave my post to the last minute! It's been a crazy week (although that seems the norm).

The topic is to write about goals or accomplishments.

For goals, short term first: major improvements on the house!

Here is a view from the hallway looking into the bedrooms shortly after they were done being painted. Most of the painting is done, the only thing that isn't is the kitchen. Notice the floors in this picture! They're down to the subfloor. We had to take out the absolutely nasty carpet. It had to be done before move in.

Hey if you only look at the right side of the room, it looks done. We're so close to finishing the first room and hallway!
Also on the list: other bedroom, remove wall in kitchen, floors in living room and kitchen, stairs, toilet that works for upstairs bath, floors for both baths. There's more for outside work, but that should give you a good idea of what's going on.

For long term goals I want to expand RainyDayArt. I plan to grow RainyDayArt in a systematic way. I want to offer more fiber art supplies, dye more yarn, and eventually have a physical store!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Crochet Flower by iWunder

My friend over at iWunder makes these super cute crochet flowers. She makes them with lots of different types of yarn and some have handmade ceramic buttons in the center. This flower is one of my favorites! Is it because I really like the colors or because I made the yarn? :p Maybe both.
It was a fun yarn to make (I think I say that about all of them). I grabbed lots of different colors and just spun and then I plied it on itself.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Featured Etsy Blogger for June!

Each month the Etsy Bloggers choose a member to feature. This month's featured blogger is ... BeadedTail !

She has jewelry and cat and dog themed items.

You can find her blog here:
and her Etsy shop here:

This shows a few of the things that are in her shop!

Etsy Mini - See Items in My Shop