Sunday, November 30, 2008

Own The Hour

It's a website I first heard about from the One A Day Challengers. It seems like a neat idea. Sellers on Etsy can purchase front page spots on their website. It's normally 50 cents,but for this weekend it is 10 cents. I figured 10 cents wasn't bad for a little advertising so I'm trying it out. Check it out tonight between 12am and 2am EST or 11pm and 1am CST to see my spot. They only sell one day at a time, and the only spots left were late night/ early morning. There will be plenty of people surfing around then, especially farther west.

The main question I have is how do they get people to go to their site. So far it seems to be mostly sellers looking. Its the same problem that Etsy has. They sell to the artists/sellers and so they market to us. It would benefit us all to market to people looking to BUY. There are so many sellers on Etsy, and Etsy makes their money from all the listing fees and a commission when things sell. As long as they have people listing and relisting to get their stuff seen, Etsy is making money. They need to focuse on drawing buyers to the site. For Etsy it would bring in commission fees and give their customers (the sellers) better results, and for Own The Hour they are selling an advertising service, if buyers aren't seeing it, then what incentive is there to buy spots?

So I don't know how much visibilty Own the Hour will give me. We'll see, maybe the sales fairy will visit tonight...

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